Sabhudana/Sago Kitchari

This dish is used in fasting and also is a great springtime breakfast or meal. It is made with potato most of the time but here we are dropping the potato due to the fact that potatoes are not healthy as per Ayurveda and is an unwholesome food. this is due to the fact of the qualities of the potato. It is very dry and heavy. It is hard for digestion. It aggravates kapha and vata both. Since they are opposites this is not a good combination to have.


1 cup sabudana
1 tsp cumin seed
1/4 tsp red chilli powder
A few curry leaves
2 tbsp roasted peanuts crushed
Some shredded coconut
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp sunflower oil


Preroast the peanuts in a toaster over or in a dry fry pan then let them cool and crush them. you can simply put them in a sheet of paper and fold it over. Use something hard to break them up.
Put the1 cup sabudana in 1.5 cups water over night to soak
In the AM break up the sabudana as it will be stuck together

Heat the sunflower oil in a pan and add the red chili powder, cumin, curry leaves, and then throw in the peanuts

Then throw in a little shredded coconut, stir, and let cook for a minute

Mix the sabudhana into the mixture and stir

then and turmeric

add pinch of salt and mix well

Cook on medium-high flame for only about 2-3 minutes


Need to eat this right away, won’t be a problem once you try your first bite


4 thoughts on “Sabhudana/Sago Kitchari

  1. Great. Love the texture. Nice taste. Little ingredients, fast. Not even a need for a cuttingboard or knife. Thank you.

    • I actually was a bit surprised as to how fatty the dish turned out. For a fasting and breakfast meal. Add to that some peanuts and coco. Now, many light spring dishes or breakfast dishes here are done with sunflower oil (Cabbage sambharo and poha to mention 2 others) so I reckon it is a relatively light oil. But it’s still and oil. And oils are heavy. But, what do I know.

    • LOL. Sorry! I read TBSP!

      What I wrote above does apply to poha however. Surprised to see so much oil in a breakfast item that is suitable for spring.

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