What are you being taught???? And what is the actual knowledge of your expert teachers???

First read this…

7 Poses to Soothe Sciatica


From the article….

“As far back as the 5th century BCE, doctors and sufferers alike have tried a host of imaginative remedies, from leeches and hot coals”

Yes, it’s imaginative….. more than imaginative, it is brilliant and even still practiced and actually deals with the root cause from the fundamental basis looked at through a lens that is of ayurveda and yoga knowledge instead of a western science lens looking only at symptoms. What is really imaginative is to take something out of its context (yoga) without its foundation and then apply it to the conceptional world that it is not from and through that lens.

The simple question remains, where was Western science back in the days of yoga? What was known back then because the entirety of yoga as well as the basis and paradigm of Indian knowledge was not Western/Modern knowledge? Simply put, the Western paradigm of knowledge did not even exist. Why do we believe that we are far advanced in our knowledge today comparatively? Or that we can just apply our own conceptual knowledge onto something without actually knowing it as it is? Maybe that should be looked at and that a thorough study of something should be done to understand it properly? Maybe this is the limit to the writers knowledge or maybe this is because it is being written to the general public as an audience which cannot comprehend this without the actual study of it. Maybe the second thing one should question is why would you not educate and create a growing awareness of the real fundamentals rather than sell magazines to the naive masses of the same old same old Western science concepts? Or is the purpose to destroy completely what has already been very much destroyed? And what is the reason why?

Role of Agnikarma in Gridhrasi (Sciatica) -A Conceptual Study


A Case Study of Agnikarma Therapy in the Management of Sciatica




Leech therapy in Ayurveda, a review



Role of Raktamokshana by Ghati Yantra in treatment of Gridhrasi (sciatica): A pilot study


And here is an entire journal with articles mainly about bloodletting in different diseases

Here is a whole thesis on the use of leeches on arthritis of the knee


There is a host of other research studies on the effects of “imaginative remedies”  still practiced in Ayurveda and works in its own scientific paradigm and hardly understood or even worse when it is invalidated by Western (noneducated in the paradigm) science. This is also the paradigm in which Yoga is in and from. Not Western science.




Please try to understand that most of the above links are also an attempt to do Western-based research in Ayurveda to try to make it validated to the Western/Modern scientific world thru their own lens which is not really possible as it is an entirely different paradigm and does not work in the paradigm of the West as explained in other posts I have written on this blog. It is even how thesi in Ayurveda are written today. Easiest is to try to write articles of what is the basis of the concepts of Ayurveda being used in different diseases and giving the basis of the disease and how to be treated or doing a case study like some of the ones above.


But first, for the point of this blog post, we would have to understand sciatica from the foundational knowledge of what yoga comes from, this is the same knowledge that Ayurveda is from. It is not different in any way or form.

You are not going to find this in Yoga International or anything being taught by “experts” in the West because everything in that article linked at the beginning of Yoga Journal is solely a Western exercise and Western science view put onto ‘yoga’ which asana actually has no basis in and also completely falls apart if we do that much like I just explained about researching Ayurveda thru the lens of Western research templates. If one was to have the actual knowledge it would also show the massive limitations of Western thought and that causes a lot of other problems which is the conversation to have in a different post.


From a Yoga and Ayurveda basis:

The differential diagnosis of sciatic is important with its treatment. Sciatica falls under the disease catagory that is called a vata vyadhi or a disease of vata. Categorically there are 20 of these vata vyadhis. There is no “sciatica’ in that paradigm. Vata Vyadhi is an umbrella of 20 different kinds of diseases of vata. One of which is gridhasi. The modern concept of sciatica would then fit into gridhasi but grdhasi is a larger container and it does not fit into the container of sciatica. This is another understanding that has to be had with this and points out a major flaw which maybe written about in a following article about the differences of the paradigms and the limitations of trying to understand one thru the others lens without ever trying to actually know that other paradigm. Within Gridhasi then there is different types.

There are two types, vata/kapha and purely vata.

There is also the deeper differential in the diagnosis that would be possible with the addition of ama or the addition of pitta.

Each of these are treated differently.

If ama is there it needs to be dealt with first before anything can be done. Like in every disease. Do any treatment with oil and you are going to create more disease plain and simple.

In Gridhasi, Vyana and Apana Vata are especially vitiated out of five types of Vata. Gait, extension, flexion, lifting etc. are part of the functions of vyana vata. The hampered movements indicates Vyana imbalance. Causes and site of sciatica show apana imbalance. Though Vata is a prominent dosha, sometimes Kapha is the primary dosha imbalanced, but independently cannot produce sciatica without vata involvement. Pitta is the least involved dosha. Sometime when burning sensation is present pitta may be involved as the primary dosha. More-so, tendons are the secondary tissues of the blood tissue. Ligaments are also the mulasthana of muscle tissue and the secondary tissue of fat. Blood, muscle, and fat can be seen as imbalanced in sciatica as well. Agnikarma or that burning by coals is actually one of the treatments that is done in imbalances of ligaments which is further to show why agnikarma is used in sciatica and does work… as per actual knowledge of Ayurveda and proper details in the actual treatment, not just burning yourself with hot coals (ha ha ha ha how absurd those old ancient people were). And yes, this same knowledge is in the basic knowledge of Yoga because it is all based in understanding of Prana and the imbalance of it. Not at all impingement of the sciatic nerve which will be cured by opening the hip joint in stretching postures that we are calling yoga.
Agnikarma has been mentioned for disorders of Snayu (ligaments and tendons), Asthi (bone), Sandhi (joints).

Yoga knows of 10 pranas, ayurveda uses 5 of them. And this is the very fundamental basis in all asana. It is not Western science based, there is nothing in Western science that understands prana and no context for it. None. We try to make a correlation but it is once again taking something from its context and applying a different lens to it that has no context for it. Where is this taught in modern Yoga? It is not.

If modern yoga wants to use texts to validate itself as we see it always doing, we would have to look at Hatha Yoga Pradeepika. In it, throughout it, there is mention of the doshas. There are the shatkarmas also which are dealing with those same doshas within that same context that it shares with Ayurveda. Kunjal Kriya is nothing less than the very lightest/subtlest Vamana treatment done in Ayurveda, and explained in Ayurveda texts. There is no difference in the knowledge base/fundamental knowledge/paradigm. Only naive and uneducated Western ideas have created such things…. to sell.

The pathogenesis of sciatic is first and foremost a low or variable digestive fire and vata aggravation and/or kapha aggravation with a weakness of the seat of apana. Vitiated dosha(s) with the weakness of blood, muscle, fat tissues, nerve, tendons, ligaments, veins, they are all involved.

Since the agni (both jathara and bhutaagni) are disturbed. This also can have ama involved.

For vata type, first the stage of the disease needs to be diagnosed. Without knowing this one might create a deeper complication of the disease. The first line of treatment is langhana or fasting but it must be light because of vata being the main cause. Fasting does not mean to go without food, that also is a Western interpretation. Langhana actually means to lighten. So just eating less quantity or lightening up the qualities of the food is done based upon the individual and season (as everything is). Oiling, steaming/sweating, light purgation, basti (which does not correlate at all to an enema but it is all we can translate it to), agni karma, and bloodletting are the following treatments depending upon the diagnosis of the INDIVIDUAL.

But first the aggravating factors must be taken out of the picture for if this is not done no treatment will work. If there is ama present then oiling is totally contraindicated as ama and oil have the same qualities and oiling when there is ama will create a deeper complication of the disease as stated earlier. The causative factors, besides what is the pathogenesis written above, is the excessive intake of vata provoking substances (also in the season like eating a whole bunch of kale excessively in the summer time when vata is aggravated because it is popular and sold as a superfood), excessive exertion (can even be too long of walks or hikes and not just exercise, too much sex) to one’s capacity (which is different for each individual), improperly sitting or lying in weird positions (or even your modern asana practice can be the very cause of your sciatica), vega dharana or the suppression of the natural urges (which I have written a post on here but the science behind this needs to be understood), and lastly….. improper Ayurveda practices being performed like telling everyone to do sesame oil enema without any sort of knowledge of the details as to when it is contraindicated or doing that sesame oil enema when there is ama present, or improper purgation in the same manner and a host of other things in improper treatments…. yes, they cause disease when done without the proper knowledge.

For kapha type added onto the vata signs of problems with gait, pain, stiffness, and the pulsations in the hip, back and leg there is also lethargy, indigestion, nausea, indifference to food, paralysis, and heaviness.

So I ask you, what is doing a bunch of postures going to actually do if someone has poor digestion due to their improper intake and possible ama with aggravation of vata. That is without a proper look and attention to diet that is not further aggravating to vata and lifestyle of the same. Excessive focus on asanas to open the hip can also aggravate vata even more. What is it then having no knowledge of the foundations of seeing the disease thru the lens of Yoga or the “concepts” of ancient Indian knowledge, just one applied idea of opening the hips and trying to relieve the nerve being pinched through Western anatomy and exercise science? Is it Yoga then?

What is being taught? What is being spread? And what happens to the real knowledge when the Western lens is placed over everything and no one even knows there is anything else but that? And what is a “mindfully targeted yoga practice” when there is no real knowledge behind it? Just using foo foo fake spiritual flowery feel good language.

In addition, in my 30 years of education and working with people with their bodies I know for a fact that a long hold stretches aggravate nerves and causing much more pain and problems rather than any solutions. Nerve impingement and adhesions and all sorts of other problems can be at the basis from a western standpoint but pushing into a joint that does not have the range of motion will cause more damage than anything else. Vata is aggravated with movement because one of the qualities of vata is mobile. Much like water, the body will find the range of motion in a path of least resistance or in English that means you will stretch where the weakness is (the chain breaks at the weakest link) and not what is causing the weakness or pain without having detailed kinesthetic ability and then the knowledge of it all to guide you.

Another way of explaining this by using western biomechanical example is that the right median nerve shortens when you move your right ear toward your right shoulder and bend your right elbow; it gets longer when you tip your head toward the left shoulder and straighten your elbow. What would be the cause of that nerve being in a shortened position with all the tissues surrounding being tight as well might actually not have anything to do with a focus on that median nerve but rather the position of the rib cage being posteriorly tilted (upper cross syndrome) and the shoulder due to the weight of the arm and its position to the ribcage in gravity and the effects that this has on movement of the upper part of the body. This is solely from a Western lens. Past the Western lens actually because just from the link for upper cross syndrome and anything you can see on the web you will find that there is nothing out there that would see the position you stand on your feet, and how you sit is going to create that upper cross syndrome… just exercises to try to fix it via neck exercises and such.

But to see this deeper, one with sciatica is going to have the results in their posture of imbalanced apana.


But let us review for a second to make it super super clear…..
1. Sciatic is first and foremost due to improper digestion to create it in the first place. If one is eating the prescribed diet as per yoga (whats that??? Paleo? Vegan? Look on the web about what a yoga diet is, see what you find in the disinformation for yourself), then this is not likely to occur.
Secondarily, the laws of exertion/capacity in yoga are not known in modern yoga because it is all based in Western exercise theory only, over exertion is key to most modern yoga. In Yogasana, when you break a sweat, your done. Opposite to Western exercise theory where you wanna sweat because that is what is healthy and after you break a sweat you are warmed up and now ready to really go for it. This has been explained in tedium here in other posts so I am not going to repeat it in greater detail than this. Except to say, to go past this point of breaking a sweat imbalances prana (vata) which will vitiate the agni as well.
2. The food intake and lifestyle that is vata provoking such as dry foods and rough foods as well as staying up late and other vata provoking things are at the cause as well.
A modern yoga practice with in most cases is over exertion constantly and especially in the summertime it is contraindicated, in general to health. Just saying. More so on this point… asana is not yoga and never will be.
3. The causative factors MUST be corrected or no herbs or treatment or stretching your butt as much as you want will actually help.
4. You can see the two types of sciatica generally as 1. vata type which is just a frazzled and fried dried out system and the second would be 2. kapha blocking vata type. Each needs to be treated appropriately as per this.

And lastly, for clarity, all the asanas that would be given for sciatica would be based on treatment to balance vata with a focus on apana and not a Western Physical therapy, opening up the hip to relieve a nerve. A focus on restoring agni would have to be part of it as well. If there is ama, what is stretching your hips and back going to do? Nothing. This shows the fundamental knowledge base that yoga is being taught as today. Even “yoga therapy” is only based in Western exercise theory.

8 thoughts on “What are you being taught???? And what is the actual knowledge of your expert teachers???

  1. I’ve been looking into the blogs that were nominated, like yours, in the “top 30 Ayurvedic blogs” seen at the bottom of your site.

    I haven’t checked out évery single one, but the ones I did are basically all jokes. Maybe I found one that is not, but that one also wants to sell a program to find out your dosha/constitution and stuff (why not just have them do an intake..??). Bottom line, they all have stuff to sell. Books, medicines, programs, treatments , etc. and they are basically just terrible.

    The company that has made the top 30 list obviously doesn’t have a team of ayurvedic doctors that can discern the quality of these sites. I quote:

    Feedspot has a team of over 25 experts whose goal is to discover and rank popular blogs, podcasts and youtube channels in several niche categories. With millions of blogs on the web, finding influential bloggers in a niche industry is a hard problem to address. Our experience leads us to believe that a thoughtful combination of both algorithmic and human editing offers the best means of curation.

    There are several ways we discover new feeds.

    Publishers submit their blogs, podcasts or youtube channels on Feedspot using the ‘Submit’ form at the top of this page. We have a research team who does extensive research on google and social media platforms to discover new influencers. Feedspot has in-house media monitoring tools for discovering bloggers in several niche categories. Our expert editorial team reviews each blog before adding them to relevant category list.

    Ranking is based on

    Industry blogs (those not favoring a specific brand) are given higher rank than blogs by individual brands(who often tend to promote their own products).
    Blog post frequency(freshness)
    Social media follower counts and engagements
    Domain authority
    Age of a blog
    Alexa Web Traffic Rank and many other parameters.”

    So, what kinds of “experts” are these? It’s their goal to rank and popular blogs, yet they have chosen to rank pages of an age old science which is about mental, physical and spiritual health and they do this using “a thoughtful combination of both algorithmic and human editing” and base it, amongst other things, upon relevance (??), “freshnesh”, “Social media follower counts and engagements”. Who do they think they are? It’s not like they’re ranking coloring pages. This is about peoples lives. Ofcourse they are just a company that have found a way to make money so who cares, right?

    In the list there’s the obvious western nonsense like https://www.heymonicab.com/pages/about. She is actually on the spot right above you in this ranking system. Lol. I always first look at what they say about the doshas in the different seasons and if they say pitta is high in summer… I know enough (because every ayurvedic text says otherwise). This little thing alone allready rules out half of the “ayurvedic” internet.
    Funny thing is that she says she is on an ongoing study of “Advanced studies of Astanga Hrdayam”, but at the same time advocates that

    “I AM NOT A DOCTOR! Nope. I’m totally not and I have no medical background. I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner who offers lifestyle and nutritional coaching based on the principles of Ayurveda. I look forward to offering more healing modalities as my education in Ayurveda continues.”

    Yet she writes and makes youtube videos and is doing “advanced studies of Astanga Hrdayam”?? And also telling people that have dry poop to “However you like, bring in more oils! Olive, ghee, coconut are all great choices.”
    Then think that people will just mindlessly have this heavy non local coconut oil, uncultured “ghee” or olive oil (which, if I’m not mistaken, are all three from a Ayurvedic viewpoint not ideal at all for general purposes). No warnings either about the use of (much) oil being contraindicated for people with aama (and honestly, I wonder how many people in the western world do not have aama..?) or bad digestion.

    Here the #4 of the list. Same constipation thing, allthough this site at least has a disclaimer page telling you to consult a doctor:

    “Ghee helps by lubricating your intestinal tract and helping with smooth passage of faeces. Although oil also works on the same principles as ghee, the latter is the healthier option. A teaspoon of coconut or olive oil may also do the trick. You can also add ghee to warm milk and consume at bedtime.”

    They even say dandelion leafs, but doesn’t the bitterness increase vata?

    The page ends with “If these simple measures do not work for you, discuss with your Ayurvedic physician if you need to take any internal medications, and the appropriate dosage and course of treatment to help you find relief from constipation.” Kinda indicating that these are open to try for everyone. Also ofcourse it recommends triphala “Triphala is the best Ayurvedic remedy”… yet it is drying so is it really wise to be saying this?

    Gosh, but this one is the worst. Same site. “Coconut oil is considered one of the best oils to maintain proper health, is a super food and an ayurvedic miracle.” If so, why can’t I find it in Bhavaprakash nor have I encountered it in the other books that I have? I may not have read all of them all the way through, but I’m sure it is not indicated for gandusha or kavala, let alone “the best”. And ofcourse it is backed up by aaaall kinds of western terminology like cholesterol, lauric acid etc., but no ayurvedic terms like gunas or rasa. Hmmm… one would almost think that they’re not taking this from ayurveda at all ;).

    This is #2. All just dumb stuff like “Cardamom, known as elaichi in Hindi, is the queen of spices! It is a favourite spice and used by most people in India.” Here are the major benefits that you can get by including cardamom in your daily diet” what? year-through? for everyone? always? Super-duper-food? Like with all of these sites it praises it like this great thing that is good for this and Good for that. But not even a mention of vata, pitta, kapha, gunas, virya. Nothing.

    But there is also some indian blogs on there who do get the doshas of the season right. like Deep Ayurveda who seems the be at the top of the Indian Health awards stuff and association with BAMS, but if you look at their FB it’s all just ridiculous sales bs:

    As you’ve pointed out, if you were to look up the remedies this blog comes up with it’s the same stuff as you’d find if you just type in “remedies for poison ivy oak” on google (without ayurveda). Like the oatmeal bath, baking soda, apple cider vinegar and bentonite clay for example. The blog then throws in the mix some famous indian herbs like sandalwood and neem, ends it with a completely random “prayer” and namasté and there you go.. your top 30 ayurvedic blog. lol.

    I’m not even going to say anything about this one:

    This is not from the list, but just the same sad thing. Playing into peoples naive and desperate hope and then ripping them off without proper treatment, most likely making the disease even worse.

    I accidentally found these too and thought of including them.

    Both of these are watched a lot and have many positive comments saying it works. Wowzers, how lost are we.

    • What can I say Jesse? This is the world today. There’s really nothing more than this. From Sadhguru to all the Ayurveda stuff to all the yoga stuff and the scholars that are writing about it all. It’s all really quite a joke and it’s all commercialized for sales. You won’t find anything else on the Internet really. It’s not what it’s for.
      Hey guy that is a English professor friend of mine I think stated it the best when he said I do not look on the Internet for any type of wisdom nor do I expect any to exist on it. The funny thing is that if someone was new to this blog and was to read the comments they will most likely walk away saying something negative from a very naïve standpoint. This is one of the things I have tried to explain on the blog over and over again is simply that someone that does not have any knowledge about something does not have any validity to any opinion that they can come up with. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean anything in the time we live in either.
      When we don’t know anything we are susceptible to everything because of the lack of discernment. Knowledge allows for discernment. Bottom line that’s all that there is is to gain knowledge. Knowledge is about actually having use of it rather than just collecting information. Collecting information or following a superficial chore list without understanding it will only lead to disaster sooner or later. Even this is not really even understood by people.
      Four instance, I have explained to you that vara Otherwise known as the weekday does not actually exist. It is a thing from the Gregorian calendar and comes from the Greeks. Time itself was not looked at in the same way through the ancient Indian perspective. The calendars are different. But no matter where you look on the Internet for panchanga information you’re going to see it listed right there. Vara. And the coincidental part of it is that it follows the Gregorian calendar.
      To someone that doesn’t know anything about this, and them hearing that I say that everyone is wrong, they immediately turn their nose up and create a oppositional judgment or say that the person (me) is so negative by saying this when in fact it is correct that Vara is a completely made up thing. Then if you were to search the Internet you would find all kinds of astrologers using Vara and it’s complicated calculations and then coming to whatever made up fallacies that they want to sell to the naïve. You can simply research all of this for yourself if you want as everyone is free to do. But with the Internet has full of garbage as it is mainly, I would wish anyone lots of luck with that. Which leads us to the final conclusion, that real deep knowledge is only for those that really go digging deep.

      Again what can I say? Hey Monica, what is advanced studies of ashtanga hrdaya? My Indian doctor friends really want to know what that is. And why if you have such deep deep advanced knowledge of Ashtanga Hrdaya does your teaching contradict what the text actually teaches?
      I think that pretty much says it all.

      As far as the award giving company, it’s pretty much the same thing.

    • Its actually quite amazing youve even made it into the list while it is basically the opposite of what the rest is.

      Ive actually sent an email to her a couple of hours ago asking her where she studies that, lol.

      When I first came to your blog I thought it looked somewhat complicated but serious and legit. When much later I came back to it and read some more it had a lot of conflicting ideas that did not correspond to my belief system at the time. Luckily I dared to look into it and with your support I came to see what im seeing even clearer now. Theres mostly bull whereever you go. It was tough to swallow and still is, but I simply cannot deny. Its obvious now. So yeah, you dont have to say anything. Youve said enough 🙂

  2. “Bottom line that’s all that there is is to gain knowledge. Knowledge is about actually having use of it rather than just collecting information. ”

    I’m understanding that more now whereas before I did not. What about peace and love though? Just kidding. What is love without knowledge? A kid accidentally killing his hamster because in it’s ignorance/innocence it’s hugging it too firmly. Let’s block the road and protest climate change cause we love our children and planet so much.

    me: “So yeah, you dont have to say anything. Youve said enough ”

    Actually, I’m just saying that. Yes it’s obvious now, but still I don’t know how deep this rabbitho.. euh.. sh*thole goes. Saying that it’s obvious now and that you’ve said enough would indicate that it is clear to me now. But even though, like in your comment above, you’re basically repeating what you’ve been saying in so many ways before allready, it still gave me some “ahá”-moments and deepening understanding. Like the complexity of the situation where the things you say basically seem like saying “everyone else is wrong and I am right!” and how easily this can be taken for arrogance and just plain stupidity. As if you were some flat-earther ridiculing “THE WHOOLE WOOORLD” for their naivity of thinking the world is round. Lol. But you’re not saying that everyone is wrong and you’re right. You’re saying that ayurveda, that which you’ve studied and experienced in-depth, is right and how the western way of looking at the world is delusional. But it takes knowledge and requires enough humility to step back to look at oneself and the culture to understand and see that. And I’ve only seen a glimpse of that. Bright enough glimpse to know that I’m on the right track though. Then there is the fact that 99% of your “colleages” (sorry, they’re not.) are jokes so that won’t help your credibility either. All of that and more and you’ve got yourself in a very difficult situation. I might add to that that when speaking to you through Skype I have recognized how reasonable you are whereas in these blogpost we might project on you some kind of harsh and angry demeanor whereas I think all you’re doing is to be is honest, to the point and clear. Heck, I myself might seem like some asshole here, but I surely don’t intend to be unreasonable, mean or to hurt anybody or any such thing. I’m just trying to learn and find my way in this crazy world.

    The weekday-thing. We shouldn’t actually be suprised… what is a week? Why 7? What is the real life correlation with the 7 planets? The indians allready use for time meassuring purposes the two phases of the moon, sukla and krishna paksha and the tithis therein, which obviously correlate with a real life nature happening rather than… an endless cycle of 7 days?? Il’ll just very quickly look this up.

    I found this:


    It speaks of how the week can be traced back to the Romans, Greeks, Assyrians, Babylonians and Sumerians which the article calls “one of the two cradles of western civilization”. No mention of India at all. Now, I recognize this is not deep research nor do I take this paper superserious as it seems to have this sentiment to it of thinking the farther back the less advanced people were. But I do take it more serious than the average astrology-blog. With this short search I also encountered someone saying:

    “None of the Hindu mythological books or puranas mention the names of the week, today what we use as VAAR ( Ravi , Som , Mangal, Budh . Brihaspati, Shukra, and Shani ) are the translated version of the western system , it was only the THITHI as per the Lunar calendar followed all over. the names of the week is recent and has no origin in Indian Mythology ( any religion that is followed in India ).”

    Maybe one day I’ll read those books myself instead of reading it from some anonymous guy from a stupid website where anyone can say anything: https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/5878/what-is-the-origin-of-indian-weekday-names

    Also, HeyMonicaB replied to my email:

    Hey Monica B,

    For a few years now I’ve been interested in studying Ayurveda. I myself am orienting as to where to study and I am curious to know where others get their education. I encountered your website in this quest and saw that you study Advanced studies of Astanga Hrdayam. Could you kindly share with me where you study this?

    Kind regards

    She replied the same day:

    Hi Jesse,
    Thanks for the outreach.
    The Astanga Hrdayam is a small, private global group, so it’s not a school. I recommend beginning with a school first – I went to Kerala Ayurveda in California in 2007 – then traveled to India and now am going deeper with my private group.

    Hope this helps — I do recommend going to a school first. Astanga Hrdayam always needs a teacher to guide you through it — it’s not something you can read or understand by just reading it.

    Hope that helps!

    Author of In Your Elements

    I might tell her I have had a teacher who guided me and that I’ve learned a lot and want to know the requisites and details for the advanced Atanga Hrdayam studies.

    • maybe ask Hey Monica why she is calling it advanced when she does not even have the fundamental basic education.

      You see, this is the problem…..
      India – you go thru an actual doctorate program of 6 years for the minimum education to practice. (yes, it has its own problems)
      Foreign countries – You go thru a quick certification course (I did three of them in 7 years myself originally) and you do not have any clinical experience because there is no real hospitals to have clinical experience due to the lack of there being any real context for them in the modern paradigm and foreign countries with their own contexts. This is not even to talk about the very superficial level of those educations or the fact that most the treatment technical details are completely missing or even worse when wrong knowledge is taught. Most treatments are not legal to be done without being a nurse practitioner or a doctor so they are not even taught. hence, The depth is never even touched in these courses.

      As I have shared with you in the past, one is not going to learn actual Ayurveda from reading a book in their living room nor are you going to learn real ayurveda in doing a course online or even in your own country because there is most of the knowledge hidden within the cultural context that is only found in that culture.
      But who am I to say anything?
      Yes, Hey Monika is absolutely right that studying any sanskrit text needs a real teacher because the texts are not like Western text books where everything is spoonfed 1 + 1 = 2 but rather the knowledge is within and folded into these texts in a way that we do not have in the modern world. Without actually having the experience of this and the knowledge of this, we don’t even know such a thing exists because it doesn’t in the modern paradigm. Much like the mantra crap you added in your comment, people do not know what they do not know. They don’t know all the fundamentals that go into mantra and the superficial zombie level is that you just say something or that listening to a mantra is going to do something. The depth is totally lost. From that view, yes, all of what is out there is just nonsense.

      This is not to mention that the actual study of Ayurveda or any of these ancient sciences takes years and years (not months) and as far as I have come across in different cultures in this world, I have not seen any culture that actually even knows such depth even exists.

    • Thanks. Yes, Im starting to see and understand all that more.

      The link to the “source of the 7-day-week”-article in my comment above doesn’t work. This one should: http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1939PA…..47..175C

      While doing another research on purnimanta and amanta I came acros yet another article backing up that vara or weekdays are not of vedic or indian origin, but rather a western influence. Actually, I came across two other ones aswell aying it is from Babylonia and not of Indian origin but those got lost in the multitude of articles. If I find them I might post them here. Anyway:

      “The solar calendar of western astronomers has been known in India since about A.D. 320, but it never superseded the Hindu lunisolar calendric system, which from the time of Vedic and post-Vedic scriptures has been consulted for determining the dates of ceremonies and festivals (Jones 1793:257-259). When the western calendric system was introduced, however, the seven-day week also came into india. The names for the weekdays are applied to the solar days of the year.”
      https://www.jstor.org/stable/3629413 (page 72-73)

      The further I go and more I search the more I recognize what you wrote here:

      “Vedic Astrology – While I practice Siderial Astrology from India, it has been a long journey of many fraudulent teachers, wasted money and time and head space and much much study of texts and history to be able to say that there is no “Vedic” Astrology. Vedic is a key selling point today. Its on everything being sold as ancient Indian. The first astrology text we find is Yavanajataka and Yavana means greek. This is before the main text of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. But those selling Vedic Astrology do not want you to know this. Hellenistic astrology brought so much to India’s astrology like the 12 signs and much much more. There is so much out there that is just very very wrong that is being said and taught under this name. Jyotish itself refers to an anga of Veda. It refers to the astronomy and mathematics used to see time and it is used for timing of cermony. What is being called today as jyotish and “Vedic astrology” is not at all ‘Vedic’ and what was being used in ancient time. There is the calendar of India called the Panchanga, this calendar has gone thru change in history as much as everything else. In ‘Vedic astrology’ we are seeing “Panchanga” being sold as something it is not at all. Those fraudelent teachers, although they have name and fame, does not mean they are not complete frauds. You can get tied up in their insane teachings and all boggled up for many years very easily. The weekday or vara was brought in from the greeks as well. All of this is totally verifiable through research if one is willing to do so. There was all sorts of orders to the planets in older texts before the order of the weekdays was solidified by Hellenistic astrology brought to India. Much is said about lineages, which is mainly made up and unverifiable as to the person saying that they are from a lineage. My advice, don’t believe much of anything. Don’t even believe me. Do your own research. We all fall victim to what we do not have knowledge in, don’t we. This is what I write from. I am not writing to sell you something, I am not writing for you to like me, I am writing as to my education, my knowledge, and my experience of those. Please enjoy the blog. And stay sane.”
      From: https://trueayurveda.wordpress.com/about/

      I actually sent what you wrote to Monica B. With an example of how it can be that she studies advanced Ashtanga Hrdayam yet state on her website that pitta is aggravated in summer and vata in autumn while my copy of AH obviously states this is very much not the case. Quotes of it and all. No reply yet ofcourse.

    • The deeper you go the more sick to your stomach you will get.
      What I wrote about “vedic astrology” above in the article, it is no different in Ayurveda, it is no different in anything of all these anceint sciences. Yoga, I don’t need to say anything about, thats obvious. Well maybe it isn’t to some.

    • “I actually sent what you wrote…”

      To be clear, this is what I meant by that:

      “maybe ask Hey Monica why she is calling it advanced when she does not even have the fundamental basic education.”

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