Puffed rice breakfast – Ugadi/Murmur


This recipe is perfect for springtime breakfast

4 cups Puffed rice/murmur
Ghee or mustard oil
1 tsp Mustard seeds
1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder
1 big Onion
Some curry leaves
1/4 cup shredded coconut
6 Roasted cashews chopped
2 tablespoons Bengal gram Roasted
Coriander leaves chopped

Pre-toast the cashews in a toaster oven
Take the 4 cups of murmur and put it into a bowl of water for only about 2 minutes then strain it.

Take a little ghee or mustard oil and heat it in a pan

Add the mustard seeds and wait until they start to pop then add the curry leaves and onions. Cook until the onions are clear

Add the roasted cashews and shredded coconut and stir. Cook it for about a minute more then add the turmeric and gram flour. Mix and let cook again for a couple minutes.

Add the salt to your taste.

Add chopped coriander leaves over the top and mix

Add this to the bowl of soaked puffed rice and mix well.

Can squeeze some lime over the top as well.




Simple recipe that takes only moments to make



Here are some pics i took of a man making puffed rice on the street in Kolkata today.

It is made in the heated sand.  The middle picture, the puffed rice is the two furthest  or in the last picture the furthest right


13 thoughts on “Puffed rice breakfast – Ugadi/Murmur

  1. I will try this out come spring. When looking at the temperatures… the last few days here in Holland the night times are cold.. near freezing, but the day times are very much spring like (the door can be open when the sun is out… that’s not winter-like) so I don’t know what regimen to follow now. I’d guess day time is more important, because you don’t eat at night. Weather forecast says it’s gonna be a bit cooler later this week, but still warmer than usual late winter. To be sure I’ll be lightening my intake a little even though spring time shouldn’t start within a bit less than a month. Is that the right approach? Lightening ok, but I’m hestitant to spice it up like in spring regimen, because I don’t want to aggrave vata and start burning kapha prematurely. Perhaps I’m asking for too detailed information for a blog.

    The indian puffed rices I can find are all made with basmati. Funny. Will look further.

    • Look around.
      things start to change.
      Signs of spring, what are they?
      Start to lighten, take a couple weeks to slowly change over.

      The last thing i would say….. lighten yourself up too. People have not been following any of this for centuries and have lived okay. Don’t be so serious and detailed. It is not going to kill you.

      This is why the dates are given as per the texts as the start of the seasons, this is to give the idea of when they should start, this is all astronomically done. The signs then here, in reality, are going to give you the here and now that are to be added to that information and use.d

      The puffed rice made of basmati is fine. Better if you can find another but good luck.
      Extra add on is that puffed rice has been used in breakfast ceraels and candy bars now in america. It was INVENTED by an american in the very early 1900’s. Funny how America has invented everything.

    • During spring season wind blows from the south (not sure if that counts for the Netherlands aswell).
      Sun rays are copper red in colour (again, not sure if here’s the same. During sunset it’s orange, yes)
      Trees with tender leaves and bark (some plants have started to flower and some plants are starting to grow leafs but trees do not have leaves yet)
      All the four directions are clear (again, not sure if that’s just India. No clouds here today, that’s for sure)
      Have seen the first honey bees… that’s a sign. Small birds flying around.
      Lambs being born (I think that’s allready happening), young ducklings.. haven’t seem them yet.
      Obviously longer and warmer days. I will check the (non-native) Elaeagnus ebbingei to see if they have fruits. They are the first fruits to grow that I know off. Sweet, but astringent.

      Just from a quick search I could find wholegrain italian puffed rice. I guess searching further I can find white non-basmati puffed rice.

      Lol, and I have invented farting, you copycats. The dutch invented frozen water, did you know? So did the guy just stumble upon it or did he steal it from India that’s the question.

    • Hmm and that’s not the only question. The other one would be why we want to put our flag unto every little thing. Also without checking if you’re actually the first one.

      Also who cares if you’re first.

      Curious about the pictures. I read on the net it’s not so simple to do in your kitchen. Unlike popcorn.

    • Just to be clear, the stuff about lambs, ducklins and the Elaeagnus I made up.. The rest I got from the Astanga Sangraha, but you knew that.

      Even though they might not all exactly indicate a specific point in the seasons, I reckon all of it should be taken in account get a fair understanding or “map” of the orchestra of evolution of seasons throughout the year(s). First butterflies, bees, galanthus/snowdrops, birds and animals giving birth. It’s fun. I am a danger in traffic though, looking around all the time at the blossom, leaves, flowers ;).

      Elaeagnus Ebbingei has green fruits still. The flowerbuds of my peach (not native here) have just started to slowly open up. 🙂

    • “the last thing i would say…” Thank you, I needed to hear that.

    • Can I take that advice and apply it to all aspects of life ;)? LOL!

  2. Man, WordPress really messes up the sequence of these conversations. Things that are said at different times are all over the place, all mixed up. Reading it in proper sequencing you’d actually have to look at the date and time of every single comment, lol.

    Puffing rice myself you say? Yeah, I can try :)… who knows a whole new invention will come out of it ;). Will come back here when its done.

  3. Just for a trial, I cheated and bought puffed rice. Package doesn’t even say which type of rice it is. Dish turned out very nice. Like tasty little pillows ;), not what I expected. And it is very quick and easy like most of the rest of these breakfast dishes.

    I roasted some split bengal gram and grinded it, which I found, also has the name hurigadale/putani churna. Smells nice. The pictures you added.. is the one at the left roasted bengal gram with skin and is this then milled and used for this puffed rice recipe?

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