
Om Gurave Namaḥ

Welcome to the blog.

True Ayurveda is a blog of articles of what I am referring to as classical knowledge. Yoga (various paths), Ayurveda and others. The reason why it is “true” is because of the sincerity put towards keeping these classical wisdoms to textual knowledge or purity. The ancients studied sciences and laid down strict injunctions and disciplines so that humanity may benefit. They did not believe in simply cataloguing information as we in modern times do. Even how it is laid down is not in the way we think today. These may be sour grapes for those who are thwarted by thick prejudices but they are sweet for those who have a clear mental vision and who wish to economize the waste of spiritual energy for their own ultimate good. In the culture we live in today, these wisdoms have been taken sold superficially and piece parted to the masses and turned into unsightly messes that hardly can be recognized as their former true and pure forms. In this, we see much destruction to those who are “innocently” starting or attempting to further their spiritual growth and their health. But this is karma. We are in kali yuga, obviously. What if the true wisdom was being taught? These wisdoms are true to nature and come from a time tested (10,000 year +) heritage that has interconnecting wisdoms that provide more insight to each other as they are all from the original melting pot of perennial wisdom. The tradition of knowledge, based on extensive literature, is the oldest tradition of knowledge in the world. Though it has been long preserved in India (and so so much of it is also lost), this traditional wisdom has been more lost in recent centuries—due in part to repeated foreign invasions in history and also now in our (India’s throwing away their heritage and we are superficially trying to take it on) ignorance. The tradition includes detailed information on a wide range of topics — theatre and dance, music, song and pageantry, yoga and sādhana,  metaphysics and ethics, ex­quisite art, astronomy, astrology,  mathematics, architecture, health care, administration, economy and of course the hallowed sciences that are becoming popular in the masses.

Ayurveda is a 10,000+ year old (has no start and no end because it is simply natural law) time-tested wisdom of living with nature. It is a medicinal system as well. Ayuh means life or duration of life or longevity. Veda means know or transcendental knowledge. This system has its roots in the literature of the Vedas. It is based upon the foundations of nature so as long as there has been nature and the experience in it and knowledge of it, there has been Ayurveda. The main texts of Ayurveda are dating back to about 5000 years. The system is just the deepest understanding of nature really. It deals with looking at the individual in a holistic sense integrating the mind, body and soul in the most comprehensive way. Not only this but also looking at how that individual is set within its surroundings and environment and how its features have had an effect on that individual. Within this, the experience of one’s life has drawn together a history that can be seen because of the in-depth perspective of the lenses of Ayurveda to deal with the imbalances within the individual. In the West, we have turned it solely into Vata and Pitta and Kapha (the doshas or constitutions) diet plans. This is not Ayurveda at all. In fact, there is no mention of these diet plans, as we have created in the west, within any of the ancient texts. To follow them will only lead to the creation of disease from the very eyes of Ayurveda itself. This western way of dieting Ayurveda is teaching and assuming that everyone is a single dosha prevalence. It is clear in Charaka Samhita that single dosha is extremely rare to find due to the high morbidity, natural weakness of being single dosha, and their constant illness. But real understanding of Ayurveda is just not in the US. Simple understandings such as this make books like “Whats your dosha baby?” completely and foolish writing to market, make money, and fame.
There is using food and lifestyle to balance imbalances but it is far more in-depth than the simplistic way we have tried to comprehend it. What is left is a watered down new agey outlook that has little foundation in the science that it is and alot of space for undereducated practitioners to do harm to the innocent unknowing patient; either way it has little results compared to the beautiful and almost magical effects it has when properly followed.

Now I must state also that the scene in India isn’t much better than it is in America but at least it is actual knowledge and texts of Ayurveda and not short courses based on texts written by the teacher of the course trying to simplify and write the books for a Western mind. In India, you have most of theAyurvedic BAMS students that are in schools in Maharastra and Karnataka are studying only to practice allopathic medicine after they graduate because they will make more money. Yes, really. Reality bites. Nobody ever wants to speak of what is really going on in the world, huh? The education of Ayurveda in government colleges is changing every year with less actual Ayurveda and more and more allopathy in the curriculum. The education is getting shorter and more superficial and yet it is costing more and more. Most places you go in India that are Ayurvedic are actually not. This is the sad truth of the state of Ayurveda in India. The government is allowing the Ayurvedic doctors to practice allopathy because the Ayurvedic doctors complain about not being able to make a living and that they are needed in hospitals and doctors are needed in the villages because the allopathy doctors are in the cities. In the interim Ayurveda is being thrown away due to a culture that wants what it doesn’t have and doesn’t have any knowledge of what it does have due to this blindness. Everything Western has to be better (which is far from the truth) and the almighty dollar is what is desired over everything and anything else in the Indian mindset at expense to the buyer. Money is everything. This is the real truth of Ayurveda in India. I have lived in its corruption for many years and what I could write would not only shock you, but bring you to tears. When you have actually lived this experience and saw all of this first hand, it is even more disheartening.

Yoga is also one of these ancient wisdoms. It is also a science but a science of enlightenment. Its path is well laid out by Patanjali, Swatmarma and others in ancients, as well as the Upanishads, that then blend into the very roots of which it came. Yoga is not an exercise system at all. It has nothing to do with it actually. Even the word Hatha has been poorly translated and understood. Asana is to sit and means a seat. Postures are not yoga. Asana is a little piece of Hatha Yoga. Asana is one limb of the 8 in Ashta-anga. Asana is a seat or the seated position for meditation. Yoga is based on energy and consciousness, not Western exercise theory and sciences. With the understanding of its utilities, it is powerful beyond imagination but this is not even reachable by doing Western exercise and calling it Yogaaaaa. In the Western lens, we practice a physical aerobics class that is based off a Western mechanical paradigm/Western exercise theory that has no space for, belief in, or template to understand prana. This is just one very simple example. (sorry all the yoga instructors out there) In this, the entire system falls apart and has no basis in or process to the very goal of its science, the liberation of the soul. Much the same as all of its sciences. No wonder there are so many exercise-induced injuries coming to light and so called celebrity yogis, as well as most of the rest, acting out of order with what is known as a “yogic lifestyle”. How would they even know what it is now that yoga is whatever you want it to be. Yoga is for sale today marketed and packaged for a world of no discernment and nativity. Just think for a moment how much money you have spent on “yoga” just in the past year. Irony. And this is not changing, its growing. In different yoga texts, the chakras are different. Only in Western do we find any sort of correlation to the chakras and emotional western psychology, because that is what we do in the West. If you want to learn something, learn it for what it is. Do not try to apply your own concepts from a different culture to it. Master it, from that which it is. Unless of course you are only concerned with money and selling it. Then of course, just do a quick certification in something which is already destroyed and come up with your own bastardization of that and market the hell out of it. There will be plenty who will buy it.

Vedic Astrology – While I practice Siderial Astrology from India, it has been a long journey of many fraudulent teachers, wasted money and time and head space and much much study of texts and history to be able to say that there is no “Vedic” Astrology. Vedic is a key selling point today. Its on everything being sold as ancient Indian. The first astrology text we find is Yavanajataka and Yavana means greek. This is before the main text of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. But those selling Vedic Astrology do not want you to know this. Hellenistic astrology brought so much to India’s astrology like the 12 signs and much much more. There is so much out there that is just very very wrong that is being said and taught under this name. Jyotish itself refers to an anga of Veda. It refers to the astronomy and mathematics used to see time and it is used for timing of cermony. What is being called today as jyotish and “Vedic astrology” is not at all ‘Vedic’ and what was being used in ancient time. There is the calendar of India called the Panchanga, this calendar has gone thru change in history as much as everything else. In ‘Vedic astrology’ we are seeing “Panchanga” being sold as something it is not at all. Those fraudelent teachers, although they have name and fame, does not mean they are not complete frauds. You can get tied up in their insane teachings and all boggled up for many years very easily. The weekday or vara was brought in from the greeks as well. All of this is totally verifiable through research if one is willing to do so. There was all sorts of orders to the planets in older texts before the order of the weekdays was solidified by Hellenistic astrology brought to India. Much is said about lineages, which is mainly made up and unverifiable as to the person saying that they are from a lineage. My advice, don’t believe much of anything. Don’t even believe me. Do your own research. We all fall victim to what we do not have knowledge in, don’t we. This is what I write from. I am not writing to sell you something, I am not writing for you to like me, I am writing as to my education, my knowledge, and my experience of those. Please enjoy the blog. And stay sane.


Me – In the past, I have not had my own data here because I wanted to stay separate from this blog and have it just a resource for people. I have realized though that for the credibility of this blog, I must give a bit to the person behind the creating of it. So this is a new addition to this page.
I have been working professionally in the ‘health’ field since 1991. Originally I started as a trainer in a gym as a way to make money after moving to NYC for my modelling career. I was bitten by the bug when my first client had a ‘torn rotator cuff’ and I was completely underqualified and uneducated to deal with it (as the entire industry is). I went to the library and studied up and within a couple weeks of working with him, his shoulder was no longer a problem. I realized at that point that there was something really amazing about being able to help people heal from their dis-ease. Little did I know the awkward journey that I would go on due to this. During those early years, I studied lots of nutrition and exercise physiology in my own plight of trying to build mass on a thin frame. By 1996 I had built to 250 lbs naturally at 6’1″ and 4% body fat. Later years I would spend trying to heal the deep damage that I had done in my ignorance. I opened my own gym in NYC at 23 years old. I was mentored by two sports chiropractors during those years which led me to think I wanted to get a degree in Chiropractic. This led me to move across the country to California to go to school. After the move, I became a triathlete and competitive cyclist because most in California is outdoors. The changeover and high training hours led to more destruction of my own system with many injuries to a final break down of my system which no one could diagnose but all wanted to treat. This drew me back into yoga as an alternative where I studied with a big name in modern yoga as his protege. After 3 years with him, I was left in a realization that time had been spent in vain, or rather in his vanity, and I was left with the bigger question of what is real yoga which led me on the quest of searching down whatever manuscripts I could find and starting to study them by laying multiple translations out and evaluating and digging one verse at a time in each. It became an obsession. During this time I also was getting the prerequisite sciences to gain acceptance to Chiropractic school and running the Continuing Education courses (2 weekends a month for 3 years) at Palmer West (Chiropractic college). The break down of my body and lack of anyone being able to diagnose what was going on led me to study everything I could get my hands on; many modalities in movement, biomechanics, body/mind stuff. It led me into so many worlds of woo-woo and also led me to concretize a bullshit meter. I ended up studying Kinesis Myofascial Integration which much later turned into the famed ‘Anatomy Trains’ known today. My completing the prerequisite sciences for Chiropractic led me into deciding to just complete a BA instead of just the sciences and the school I went to allowed for a very ‘liberal’ course where I was designing my own education (New College of California) where I focused my studies on alternative healing and mind which also led into religion and spirituality. This allowed me to study Shamanism in Equador in the Amazon and through Equador with many shamans. It led me to Burma while the borders were still closed to study Buddhism in its environment. It led me to Cuba to try to study alternative methods of healing in traditional settings. And much more. There was so so so much more than all of this as well. Quite the whirlwind of a decade. My yoga pursuits led me to study ‘Jyotish’ and Ayurveda. They were too much to take on at the same time so I pocketed Jyotish til later and focused on Ayurveda. I had first been drawn to David Frawley because as a ‘naive to the industry Westerner’ of course what was available on the market was all that was accessible. After studying his correspondence courses in Ayurveda and Ayurveda and Yoga, I was left with full knowledge that I was completely incompetent so I searched around for what options were for further study. I ended up finding out what is the normal statement that the Ayurvedic Institute is the best education in the US so I set my eyes on that. After the first year I recognized that this was the same and left. David Frawley had advised me that a friend’s daughter had just opened a school in the East Bay in the Bay Area so I set out on my education there in her 3 year program. It turned out to be just another Indian scam. That daughter, turned her divorced indian housewife life into a just add water and a bunch of lies of a fake lineage (that has grown into a totally different world even since I attended there) to claim her credibility. See here is the thing, we are totally naive when it comes to these things. The core two teachers there are Ayurveda MD’s, yet now that I look back with the knowledge I have acquired over time, it is beyond obvious that these two guys had bought their MD diplomas. this is very common in India. Looking back at what they prescribed to me personally, having me eat shrikand to gain weight when I had low agni and ama and more examples like this, it is so beyond apparent they are frauds. After completing that and developing a completely incurable disease created by her advising improper treatments in excess in the wrong season to myself and my naivety in following of them, I continued to look for other options for education because I still knew I was completely incompetent with the level of knowledge I had been given. That was a total of 7 years of study of Ayurveda in the US. Just more of learning the hard way. After that, I applied and had been accepted to the BAMS program in Jamnagar, Gujarat but after visiting there for a week and questioning 19 of the foreign students serious questions about their education and stay, like would you advise me to come here and the answer from all of them was ‘no’ and hearing the horror stories from them of the massive corruption of the University and the oppression of the students (yes, that is the real India), I ended up deciding instead to forsake the doctorate and study Charaka Samhita with my teacher while living in a hospital room in an Ayurvedic hospital in an Ayurvedic college for 6 months at a time for 7 years getting to see so so so much. During this time I also started studying ‘Jyotish’ again thru a big named and famed ‘jyotish guru’ for years who in the end turned out to be a huge fraud as well. Then to another one. 🤣 I had explored Indian for a decade, in the culture, behind the scenes I got to see the real India. It is a very different view than the romanticized spiritual ideas that Westerners have of India. Most very hard to even digest. All of the above is just a brief glimpse and there is actually so much much more in between the lines that I have left out.

I do not name my teachers because it is not important. I am not them nor do I ever want to play this game that is so very prevalent of using someone’s name to validate and to gain one’s own name. My knowledge was the gift I received from all of my teachers and I am thankful for that. I honor those that deserve the honor. And I speak truthfully and outright about what I have experienced and know to be true which is a double-edged sword. My journey came at an extremely high price in many many ways. My health being just one of the sacrifices. What I have learned in my journey is that most of what is out there in the name of tradition and lineages are completely fraud. Especially what has made it to the Western world. Just as what I wrote about “jyotish” above. So the names of my teachers, it does not matter. Let the results of the work I do, due to my actions and my knowledge, speak for me rather than the name of someone else.

In the end, my journey has been a very challenging one. Through the pitfalls, trials, and tribulations, I have learned a ton of how and why and more importantly…. why not or how not. As an example, by studying jyotish for 5 years with an insane meglomaniac (literally he has an umada (insanity) yoga in his chart), I ended up having to test and learn what actually is true in Jyotish and what is just made up fake lies of entertainment for the naive and to make money the Indian way. Now some people that read this are going to be offended because it does not align with their own beliefs. That is fine. That is why it is your beliefs. That is what beliefs are, isn’t it? Just ways of validating one’s own being while invalidating others? At the end of my journey, I have such deep reverence for truth and knowledge. They are rare gems that are created through time and pressure only and to come across a real gem is rare when we live in a world today where gems are artificially being created.


46 thoughts on “uh·bout

  1. I cannot believe that Ayurveda has the misanthropic bent to it as many of your posts indicate, nor as difficult to arrive at balance as you make out. After all, the body moves toward health and healing, and these physical functions such as eating, eliminating, keeping our mouth and skin clean and our selves feeling well are as natural as rain. Surely people get it right much of the time without complicated rules and taboos.

    • Thank you for your comment Topazmoon11.
      The only thing I could actually answer with is these statements.

      First off, with Ayurveda hardly being anything of what is being taught in the West, how would someone know what it is. So many books being written of peoples takes of it after having a short course, not a real education in it. How would anyone know the difference? The details of this science are so deep. I am honored and awed everyday.

      The body has a natural tendency towards health only when it is in a healthy state. That is completely lost after one starts the journey down the slippery slope. Once the dhi or the intellect is compromised with praagnaaparadha, crimes against its natural tendency to do the beneficial thing, then the whole system is corrupted. The mind itself is not functioning properly. As the bad choices continue to be made which is where the disease comes from in the first place, the system continues to lose its intelligence and the person now starts to crave non beneficial choices. If what you stated was true, no body would be unhealthy due to the bodies natural tendency towards health. This is not true. How does someone make it all the way to crohn’s disease? It takes an awful lots of complications of other diseases to get there. Thankfully Ayurveda gives the details of understanding this detail.

      The western world blames everything on viruses, bacteria, and the such while compartmentalizing disease without seeing any correlations to the root cause….. ourselves. The complicated taboos and rules are only complicated because of the lack of any wisdom in the western heritage and an abundant need for their to be no rules (need for individual’s validity) and no knowledge because it would mean one would have to be responsible to ones own health instead of seeing things as attacking them from the outside (viruses, bacteria etc…. Most of what is stated in ayurveda is overall excepted as obvious and easy in India heritage. Funny what seems to be hard and disciplined is actually nonsensically easy and obvious to another. Think about that for a moment.

      I would also add that your comment speaks to why Ayurveda has been watered down to the level it has in the West. The western mind does not function in the same way at all. I support of your view, most disease when in a beginning stage (of which the western world has no way to diagnose and judge) is easily cured by simply lightening the diet and stopping the causative factors. The body does have a natural attraction towards health. But as humans in the Western world we think to much and start some kind of procedure right away that almost always complicates it and makes it into a new disease or just makes it worse. Almost always. Western medicine gives drugs right away. All those drugs have side effects and they do not deal at all with the root cause, just symptoms. The side effects cause new diseases and the original disease is only superficially suppressed which its roots find a new way to arise. We have known this for years.

      The body grows only to the point of maturity then starts to decay, just like a fruit. Just like everything in nature. To think that it is heading in any other way than downhill after that is just unnatural.

      I invite you to pick up studies of ayurveda and see how deep it is.

      Thanks again for your reply.

    • Thanks Anurag for your comment. I am glad You are getting something from this blog. I go thru times of certain realizations that lead me to close the blog due to responsibility to knowledge and understanding of karma. I end up sooner or later opening it back up though. There is such a huge difference in paradigms in the world. It makes it difficult at times to be responsible with what I have been given. I come back to America and see the excessive lack of responsibility and no respect or reverence of pretty much anything but they think they are. People in general tend to think that everyone is on the same level and one size fits all and that all knowledge should be just given out to everyone and accessed by everyone. This is so far from true. One size fits all is a western concept. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.
      So I cannot say that the blog will always be around and that all the posts will remain on it. I am just glad you have appreciated what is there in this moment.
      Thanks again for your comment.

  2. Hello,

    Your blog is much appreciated. Many things which I thought to be true (although at times felt somewhat uneasy and unsure about) in Ayurveda have been debunked here, and I’m very grateful to be exposed to the correct teachings.

    I am wondering, would be it be possible for me to get in touch with you in private to ask a few questions?

    • visionbeyondband, Thanks for your time and comment. Yes, the real thing…. well, it isn’t what is being touted as it out there. Understand, we are in a time where people don’t want to take years and years to learn something. Most of the practitioners out there in Ayurveda have a two year education which is in reality just one weekend a month, that is only 24 weekends or 48 days total of training. What can we expect? That and the fact that most of Ayurvedic treatments are no taught or performed here as well….

      So I am glad that the blog has served as light within the darkness out there.

      Please do email me for personal stuff, otherwise i would prefer general questions remain on the blog for others to learn from.

  3. I am so relieved to find your blog – among the adulterated, misinformation that exists so often today, a beacon of light shines. Thank you for the clarity, the passion, and the insight….

    • Alexis, Thank you. Really, thank you. I appreciate people who take the time to let me know that they are getting something out of the blog. I get a tremendous amount of “hate mail” due to the nonsense and beliefs that people have due to that adulterated and mis information that is being created out there. It is actually sad to me to see things such as Ayurveda that have such amazing depth being turned into what it is out there. So thanks. You keep my fire lit.

  4. Sir, I appreciate the effort you have taken thru the blog to dispel the mis-selling and marketing of Ayurveda.

    I am in Chennai, India and can you recommend a reliable Ayurvedic doctor or Institution, that you are aware of?

    Also, I have edited the Oil Pulling Wikipedia site to show that it is not related to ancient Ayurveda. Can you provide your feedback?

    I have also tried to link to your site in the Wikipedia article, but it keeps getting removed because of Wikipedia’s policy of not linking to personal blogs. If possible can you share a more “linkable/referentiable” source of information for matters related to “Oil-Pulling”?


    • Mareeswaran sir, I can refer you to a doctor or institution but not in Chennai. Sadly I am just not aware of references there although I have others not to far. We can continue this on email brad.yantzer@gmail.com.

      As for wikipedia, i have done my own editing there. Unfortunately, in this day and age, everything seems to come down to consensus as we see that wikipedia is only based upon consensus and then also upon western research, which is unfortunately also a very limited view. Ayurveda (oil pulling) links are being studied by western science, empirical science. it does not have a context for ayurveda and does not see that it does not have that capacity. References for kavala can only be linked to the classical texts which are then for whatever reason not seen by people running wikipedia as a valid form of reference. To me this only shows the ignorance of our world today, the modern world. Yes, it seems to be a major problem that i do not have an answer for personally. One needs to understand the paradigm of ayurveda to actually study or even explain it. It is like a different language. How do you teach a language to a culture that doesn’t want to learn the language but does want to capitalize on the language? I believe the only answer is to demand integrity in the education and membership companies out there. There is none in America unfortunately. The membership clubs in America are based in high membership by accepting everyone and the $$ that comes from that rather than setting integrity in the ayurvedic practice in America.

      References for the classical texts are at the bottom of the oil pulling page. Thank you so much for doing your honorable part in keeping Ayurveda authentic.

  5. Hi,

    My name is Emmanuelle I’m french and currently moved to Paris. I’ve been introduce to ayurveda once very quickly by a friend who’s a yoga teacher, and lately by a collegue who told me more about it. I found your website really intersesting. I was trying to avoid web site which would use ayurveda as a marketing device and all, this is why I really like yours. None the less I know nothing about ayurveda so it takes me a while to research words and concepts on the internet. Trying to avoid unaccurate informations.

    I hope my next question won’t sound too stupid. I was wondering about the doshas, if we want to start to follow ayurvedic principles do we need to know our primary dosha / doshas? And if so, then how do I get to know which is mine. I have found many descriptions and tests to found out but according to my collegue it takes more than that and to be honest all those descriptions I have found sounded more like quick fix that anything serious.

    If you have any advice to give me on how we can know our primary dosha/doshas I am very intesrested.

    But maybe you will tell me that I don’t need to know my primary dosha and that I can start by balancing my meals according to ayurvedic principles?

    Thank you very much for your help, and thank you for this website that I truly find enriching and helpful

    Best regards


    • Namaskar.
      Thanks for your comment and your time. Such a great question. Yes, all of those tests and stuff are not Ayurveda and are just marketing and quick fix stuff. If you really want to know your prakriti and vikriti, i would tell you to just start following the seasonal diet regime. learn the gunas of them, use the template that i have explain in other posts and start to watch the weather and the seasonal patterns as well as watch your digestion. This really is the very first place to start. The bigger picture is so much more important than the small self. Notice that the self absorption is what is being touted as Ayurveda out there yet not much is being said about the bigger picture as to how the seasons work and how they effect you. Do not follow any of the dosha diet plans. Follow the seasons and it will lead you to health. your constitutional balance will be learned from this as it will start to stick out like a sore thumb over time. Each meal is to be balanced in all the tastes, without them digestion is not going to work. The meals are also balanced as per the season as well as the time of day and the weather in the day and then of course the most important, your digestive capacity. All of this might sound pretty overwhelming in the beginning but just go with it. Read the blog, there is a ton of information on it. if it is over your head come back and read it again later after reading other posts. It will all start to make sense. Thanks again for your comment and good luck. Just a side note, if you are just learning Ayurveda for to better your own life, wonderful! If you are wanting to seriously learn it to practice there is only one route and that is to become a doctor from an authentic BAMS program, don’t short cut yourself or anyone else, it isn’t worth the harm that is caused by it. Again good luck and post any questions you might have.

  6. Hello..

    An absolutely wonderful blog! Refreshingly “clean” from any marketing interests ect.
    As an Ayurvedic practitioner, I completely share your views:
    .. “The details of the vedic sciences are so vast, the depth is absolutely just ……….. don’t have words for it. It leaves me breathless and wordless and full of awe.”
    Ayurveda IS magic 🙂

    Thank you for sharing this blog.

    Best regards


    • Very basic Ayurveda actually. Just not much out in the West that has much to do with real ayurveda. Makes for a very small audience that doesn’t get the do this and do that and try this and this is so neat because i did it and you should too…. people not getting much from this blog. 🙂 Welcome to the blog.

  7. Hi
    I’m kinds of new to ayurveda and your site. Thanks to your input, more things make more sense than in ayurveda books 🙂 I had skin rash(atopic dermatitis turned into infection) on chest and back and now looking for cure. Tibetan monk herbs made it go away, but I was always very skinny(65 at max) and now i weight only 56 kilo while having 185 cm of height. I live in colder climate(Poland) so it’s kinda harder to have full vegeterian diet, we have less products available than in USA. Could you please lead me to some of your articles for skinny people or give some tips? I would be very gratefull, as I don’t have time and money to study vigourusly all of the vast knowledge.


    • Jacek,
      Unfortunately it is not that easy. Ayurveda does not just say to have a full vegetarian diet, it does not have you eat anything out of your environment or country, it does not tell you to eat indian food all the time. It also needs to be used properly to diagnose what is going on with you in many way before giving you advise to follow about gaining weight. it depends upon many things, how is your agni or digestive capacity first off? How is that diagnosed, since every person i would ask out of 100 random people think their digestion is fine. It isn’t like that. So if I was to advise you on anything it would be to read the blog, at least the stuff on ayurveda and learn. Follow eating to the seasons first and your agni, whatever that is because it will take time for you to realize it. In this day and age we are disconnected from our bodies and from nature. i have not met one person that didn’t know ayurveda that had any understanding of thier digestive capacity. there is alot to learn and there is only the Western ayurveda way to cut corners and make it all superficial for the masses. As you can tell already, that isn’t Ayurveda from just what i have written already.
      Good luck.

  8. What an absolutely awesome blog! Being an ardent follower of ayurveda, I can’t thank you enough for writing these blogs and more so for how effective and convincing you are with your writing and your wisdom 🙂

    More power to you! And keep them coming

    • Do not focus on weight loss at all. Focus on eating properly to the seasons and getting your digestion working properly. This is all on the site. Just read.

  9. Hi, I am an Indian Ayurveda doctor and I really loved your blog.. Keep going.. Really stands out in a sea of not so useful blogs.. I too am very passionate about Ayurveda and trying to spread it.. just started blogging 2 days ago so new to this field, but I too am trying to spread real Ayurveda and not exploit it like many others.I have started by explaining Charaka samhita verse by verse. So glad to find your blog.Glory to Ayurveda..

  10. Dear Brad,

    I just can’t stop or wait to say that I am really impressed with the information that you have provided here. It is very deep and subtle, which is very much lacking in this day and age of commercialization. Please accept my gratitude and congratulations for doing this.

    Now, it is my turn to tell something about my background. I am a citizen of US, born and raised in India, learning Ayurveda in California. It might seem slightly twisted but this is my journey. Ayurveda didn’t come easily to me but I consider myself fortunate that I finally saw the light.

    I was looking for the true essence of ayurveda away from money making tips and that is when I came across your blog. I am so happy to have came across it. Thanks again.

    I am aware that you know that you are doing an awesome job with this blog. I hope you wouldn’t mind if as a follower of this blog I make couple of suggestions;

    1. The background is dark and therefore it makes reading harder. If you could do something about it like changing the theme or the color pattern that would be helpful.

    2. As a a seeker, I wanted to know about your background and your motivation behind all of the things that your are doing in life. Your about section is about Ayurveda and Yoga, which is good but lacks information about you. Please helps us to know more about you.

    Once again thanks for being the guiding light.

    Best Nandita

    • Nandita,
      Thank you for your comment and your time. I will do my best to figure out a way to make the background better for viewing.

      I used to have my background up on here too but then I figured the blog is not about me. So it disappeared. I do not plan on putting it back up for this reason. If you are that interested I believe it is on http://www.bradyantzer.com .

      Thank you. Glad you like the blog.

    • Thanks Brad for your prompt response. I am glad that my feedback would be of some help.

      I appreciate your explanation that this blog is about AYURVEDA and not about you. And I admire the fact.


  11. Hi,
    Nice work,it seems you have very good knowledge of scriptures.
    I was wondering,what is the duty of a Brahmana in “Kali Yuga” according to the Vedas,Smritis,Puranas etc? Since the study of vedas, and teaching them,recieving charity etc is not possible generally.

    • Great question. Depends on desha. Kala is a very different time. Also Patra. In certain areas the duty still remains. Out of context and paradigm in another culture one has very little to do as you stated, the study of vedas is actually hardly possible since there is no initiations, and teaching them is heard through a very nonconducive lens that then distorts the teachings upon ones own lens, and recieving charity etc is not possible generally. Yes, you are correct. Within india in certain places it still remains alive and pure though. But that is dwindling as well. Just had a head priest of a jyotir linga request a “gift” from America of a leather shoulder bag and leather wallet as well as a $1600 + fountain pen. This is kali yuga. As it is written it is seen in so many ways.

  12. I am a student of Ayurveda and a practitioner of Chinese medicine. I LOVE your blog. Everything you write rings true to me both as a clinician and a self reflective human.

    I would like your advice on an issue. I am in agreement with you about the seasons and how they are not accurately portrayed in the US at least. Every fall I see inflammatory conditions rise and every summer, vata issues. That is not to say I don’t see them each in every season, but they seem heightened according to the timing in the Astanga hridaya. Problem is, my teachers don’t portray it this way.

    It seems their main argument is placement on the globe. This makes sense as far as timezones go, or severity of seasonal fluctuation, or if you are at sea level, but not in terms of solar radiation as the US and India both lie above the equator.

    Can you offer advice to me as I am in discussion about this right now with one of my teachers.

    Thank you for your time.

    • Hi Bridgette. Finally!!! Yes! It has seemed like it has been me against the entire western Ayurveda world with most that I write about but it slowly seems like that is turning about so I appreciate your comment immensely and specially because you are in Chinese Medicine.
      So the first thing I would present to your teachers is exactly what you have observed. It is my own observation as well. Every fall inflammatory conditions rise and every summer, vata issues. The fact is that no matter what they say, it is being based upon what they have learned and the experience is not correlative to that understanding. I have watched for years in wonder how they cannot see the obvious and just continue to state rote words. So where did the seasonal understanding of the western world come from originally? I did my best to get to the bottom of this long ago and all I ever came to is that it is hot in the summer so pitta is high. The basis of what they are taught is a superficial understanding of the seasons. Vata is high in fall and winter… wrong.
      Learning and living in India has allowed me to see the seasons in detail as it is by the textual template that things work and the vagaries from this or dosha from this template is then also seen such as the mangoes flowering in the middle of winter. So those imbalances need to be seen for what they are as well instead of being taken as the normal flow.
      Also, even more apparent if one actually practices and as you know is that you also see the influence of the seasons in the pulse of everyone you see in your practice, not only the diseases that show themselves at these points if the year. This has also proven to me that Western Ayurveda is wrong.

      In really understanding how the seasons are manifesting and what the result is, I can only tell you what I have written about on the blog and now here.
      I have found that having a conversation with teachers there has no point what so ever as they only stick to what they have learned from their teacher and do not see anything beyond that. It has proved pointless over many years and many experiences.
      I think what I wrote about the seasons goes into much depth of explanation on the blog. If you have more pointed questions shoot them at me. As far as I have experienced and the best way I can explain, the seasons are universal and as per the text. It is atmospheric and created by the movement of the sun due to the tilt of the earth. All of this is in the blog. That is the over all effect, then the smaller individual local is taken into consideration.
      Of course the change in latitude has effect but still based in the same over all template.
      The arguments I have had opposing all of this by western Ayurveda simply have no depth to understanding the derivation much like saying that it can be dry out when it is raining. I have been through this at nauseam with no positive results with them so I finally have just let it go and have nothing to do with the western Ayurveda world anymore.
      The deeper problem with it all is that they are destroying any understanding that comes from the knowledge held within pancakarma vidhi as well. My guess is that it is only because this detail is also not taught as most of if is actually illegal to practice.
      So I do not know if I have helped or clarified for you except to say follow your gut and what you know and experience. Beyond that question everything being taught. It is the very reason I came to India to learn after many years and courses there. Good luck

  13. I accidentally came across your blog yesterday and I am so happy that I found it when I was looking for relation of seasons to the Digestive power of human body.

    I am still reading some of your articles and being an Indian, I see that you stated so many things so true which even us Indians do not understand. My Grand-father was a Vaidhya (Ayurvedic doctor) so many of these concepts I used to hear when I was growing up but unfortunately he left us before I could have learnt more from his experience. I am blessed to be connected to the village part of India because I believe modern science has still not over-powered many of the lifestyle concepts. Hence we get the oral knowledge at least from our elders even though we cannot relate to it.

    Lately, my curiosity has increased in this ancient science. This is when I started correlating the learnings that my grand-mother and my mother taught me to Ayurveda.I am willing to learn more. Can you help me and guide me to the right direction?

  14. Dear Dr. Brad,

    Thank you for this amazing blog. Just wanted to drop you a quick note to show my appreciation for your knowledge and this endeavor (which I’m sure is a labor of love and sweat :)) I am a student of Ayurveda and your’s is one resource I keep coming back to.

  15. I’ve been a follower of your blog for a few years now and yours is probably the only site on Ayurveda that I consider authentic. Most of what passes in the name of Ayurveda and yoga are very childish. I have no background in Ayurveda but the little that I have gleaned from my teachers in yoga, through my readings and personal experience have convinced me that this is truly an inner science, subjective to each of us. The rules being a guideline to explore and find out for oneself what works. Most of the time, the gunas with their subtle play carry me away and sooner or later I find myself sliding back and then it’s time to get up and start again. Pardon me for rambling. Once again, pranaams and thank you for making this available.

    • Welcome. Comment appreciated. I would only add to guide, it is not subjective to ones own individual interpretation or intuition. The deep foundation needs to be there first or one will drowned in their own making meanings of things. It is a science that is a basis or a foundation to understand then see everything of ones own individual from. The small ego of self is huge isn’t it? We always want to base everything from this yet this is illusory. The universe is much more than the individual. No matter what the individual thinks or makes of it. Hope this helps.

  16. Reall appreciate your site , as far as yoga is conserend yes i have observed it as well its aerobics or gymnastics at most no spiritual component at all but how to find a true teacher Guru if there are any at all if one wants to practice true Yoga
    Thank You

    • Thanks Joanna. Thanks for your comment.

      I would ask this, why? Yeah, finding a real Guru is not really going to happen for most people as what is out there is godmen (goldmen) and naive people that just don’t know and just buy (and i do mean buy $$$) into anything. Yet, isn’t his teachings better than some teachings like KKK or White power or Black power or any of the other things that are inciting violence and ignorance? The more of stuff like him though or like the massive amount of truely ‘uneducated and unfit to teach anything about yoga’ teachers that are the mass percentage of teachers out there, the more obscure and less chance there is to run into anything real. This is just the level of what is in the current times. What to do? Is there anything really wrong with this? No, there isn’t. The teachings and level of knowledge is to the level of what is.

      I get emails and comments from people all the time that want to learn real yoga or whatever but they don’t even know what it is. They don’t even have a context for it. This is the bigger question to be asking. Are you ready to give up your modern life? If not, then stick to the Western yoga and watered down teachings of different different paths. I can share that for myself, i only know that the deeper knowledge and deeper experience has demanded a whole other level of sacrifice that I can sincerely tell you 99.9% of people are not anywhere ready to do. Afterall, most people that i have worked with in the Western world are programmed by the cultural context and identified with their mind and emotions as their Self. Think that one will still live the ordinary life of dating or going out to dinner or living the modern life? What it also comes down to is that it is all in ones stars anyway. If one was going to run into a guru, it would not be in Seattle now would it? or maybe it would be. Who’s to say? one of my teacher’s is this old jewish man who your standing next to in the grocery store and have no idea what so ever of what he is and frankly, he isn’t going to let you know either. he isn’t out there trying to save the world as that does not even pertain to his existence at the level of development he is. What does that say about the level that modern yoga has taken being activists?
      My old jyotish teacher who has supposedly over 50 years of reading charts stated that only 5% of the world is actually spiritually focused, meaning that they are actually spiritual. This kinda puts things into a perspective. What is really going on? What is spiritual? What is spirituality?

      Go to India then, go pay a teacher there $1000 or more and realize that the middle income family in India makes $500 a month in general. Or that little room your paying for to stay in. $500 to $1000 a month or more. When you realize your absolutely taken advantage of any wise person might question the teaching your getting as well.
      Yeah, where is a real teacher? Great question.

      What is yoga? Why is there such a modern attachment to being spiritual or being a yogi? What about someone actually living their real life and being themselves instead of trying to be and identification?
      Some people get lost to get found, others get found to get lost.
      Others are like a rock. There are all levels.

      If it is to come, it will be in your stars. No worries.

      Thanks for your comment Joanna.

  17. Hello. I’m currently a medical doctor living in the Caribbean and would like to incorporate ayurveda into my practice.
    I own Dr Vasant Lads 3 volumes of his textbook and had intentions of attending his courses in New Mexico. After gaining awareness from this article concerning the watered down western view and subsequent short courses I’m strongly reconsidering this study option. Also, personal and financial reasons limit my options for long study away from home.
    Can you provide advice how I may learn true ayurveda in its purest form? I’m a native English speaker with no background in sanskrit or hindi. Should I get an English translation of the caraka samhita? Please advise. Many thanks.

    • Hi Clint.
      This is the conundrum, isn’t it. 1st people don’t even know that there is anything other than what is just Ayurveda. Especially the Western practitioners. Second, we don’t really comprehend how something old and ancient could possibly be more in depth and detail than what our own science is. Third, we think that everything is just as easy as reading a book or taking a short course, isn’t this the plague of the modern and western world.
      I can kinda put your question into a perspective so that you can hear it like how it sounds from this side of things, understand that I already get that you don’t know what you don’t know and it in innocence. So I would like to learn Western medicine in one year to start doing surgery on people. I know it is only really understood in English and i do not understand English but want to learn it anyway. By the way, I live in a remote place that I cannot leave to learn it. How go about learning it?
      And Clint, i am not meaning to be a smart ass, this is really your question.
      The BAMS is 6 years with clinical hours in India and it is the minimal education acceptable to practice. The MD and PhD are many more years on top of that.

      I myself did 3 courses in the US (7 years of study total), the last one was 3 years long. After that, I connected with my teacher and have spent 6 months a year living in India in an Ayurvedic hospital having clinic every day while studying Charaka Samhita in Sanskrit. This has gone on for 7 years and i am still not finished with my education. That is me and this is also why I have written what i do. Its not ordinary and this level is not going to be had from an online 2 month course nor from Dr. Lad’s course which is held in high esteem by the practitioners in the US.

      I may be able to put this all into a different perspective with a couple examples. I recently sent a friend to India to do treatments because she was having some physical and mental problems due to stress. Before going to india she had to go thru the gamet of Western medicines tests and exams to get the proper diagnotic code to gain medical leave. They did everything, and i do mean everything, even sent her to specialists and could not find anything wrong with her. They finally sent her to a psychologist because thats all the Western world can do. They labeled her with stress and anxiety as well as PTSD. She even had seen an EMT doc and the doc cleared her saying that she was fine. She had pointed out her tongue, which was badly mangled and from an ayurvedic view showed so so so much going on and was very much not okay, and the EMT said it was fine and normal. She could not even drive, this is how bad things were. No digestion at all. All sorts of other symptoms yet they could not even see those symptoms and had nothing to do with them. She also was seeing 5 other ‘alternative modality practitioners before she left. An accupunturist, an osteopath, and a few more. Her words, after she returned after 6 weeks of treatments at a real Ayurvedic hospital, were that she understood now after all that she leanred and experienced that no matter how those modalities and practitioners wanted, they were absolutely unable to help her. She also does not know Ayurveda deeply, but now understands from a different perspective. She also validates what I have written about how it is here in the West.
      Another is to share one of the experiences she had while she was there. She got to witness what i have experienced over and over through the years. There was a 4 year old girl with cerebral palsy. She had no use of her left arm and hand and was unresponsive. She also could not sit up on her own. After just 8 days of treatments she was squeezing peoples fingers with her left hand and smiling and interactive. She could also sit for more than a minute on her own. This is not unusual at all in my experiences. It is also not possible to learn the depth that would bring these results from Western Ayurveda nor from a short course.
      To study real ayurveda you need a real teacher that is versed in the depth of it. The study i have gone thru is not even part of the BAMS as the BAMS is half allopathic education and the syllabus has been cut more and more over the past decades to quickly produce more and more $$$. Easier education. It also is quite tainted. this is just how it is. So really, i have no actual solution for your situation. Unable to go do real study, not able to understand sanskrit (which is 4 years of study full time on its own), this is the same predicament that we have everywhere isn’t it? Wanna learn yet unwilling to give the nessesary sacrifice for the knowledge and what we have then is quick courses for the modern world to create more $$$. Is it really worth it? It is part of why I started this blog in the first place. To shine light on what is a very dark world. Ayurveda is a different paradigm. How does one even realize there is a different paradigm than what they know everything to be? Can’t learn it or even know about it by reading a book. Can’t learn it by learning basic ayurveda while living in the same paradigm that you exist in. There is so much of the knowledge within the cultural context that cannot be experienced or even known without being in it.
      And the results…. as an example we have Ayurvedic aromatherapy which does not actually exist and is completely made up by westerners. Its not ayurveda. But who knows this when this is all that is known from doing short course education? I can make a long list of things like this.
      So what to do?
      I pondered in my early years of creating a course online that would be 5 years long with the teachings from the text and then a month long intensive in india in the context in clinical experience but I let that go because it is still just bastardizing the actual education and in the end cheating the students as well as the people that they would be working with. I don’t want to create that karma.
      So how to learn real Ayurveda? I don’t have an answer for you with your limitations that you set. Sorry.
      How do you fit something so vast and beautiful into what our Western world today demands? You don’t. It doesn’t fit.
      You can pick up Charaka Samhita. The problems are vast with this. First because you do not know sanskrit, you do not know that the english translations are horrid and you would not understand the mistakes. You might pick up Vaidya Bhagwan Dash & R.K. Sharma’s translation. These two are an Ayurvedic Vaidya (master) and an Sanskrit pundit. You would only think naturally that this is a correct translation and not even realize without the knowledge that there is no possible way that these two actually wrote this translation and that it is beyond obvious that they had students do it and then just put their names on it. This is very common in india as it is massively corrupt there. So the limitations are vast. Without a real teacher there is no getting into any depth and Charaka will be incredibly hard to comprehend as the way it (as well as other sanskrit texts) is written is not the linear way we write today with everything being spoon fed to you. Rather it is written for a student to break their head on and in this they learn deeply. As my teacher has put it, Charaka was written to make an enlightened being. This cannot be had in any way without a teacher to unfold it.
      Again, no solution to your question. This is the conundrum.
      20 types of diabetes – 2 types in Western medicine. Over half in Ayurveda are curable. Neither are really curable in Western medicine when you understand Ayurveda because its not about insulin but insulin is just a symptom and nothing is cured by treating symptoms. This is the paradigm. How to step into it when it isn’t even visible and Western Ayurveda has made it all so superficial even to the point where manas, the mind which is understood in incredible depth in Ayurveda compared to Western, is being turned into vata, pitta, and kapha by Western Ayurveda. And research papers are even written from that lack of proper understanding of Ayurveda perspective. How is one to discern what they read even in english and in trade journals? Not to even start to speak of any discernment of the teachers and what is being sold here in the West in courses.
      Okay. Enough. I hope that has given you the perspective of what is actually out there and the level of degradation of it all as well as what is needed to actually learn the real thing. In the end, it is all ones karma anyway.
      Wish you the best on your journey.

  18. Thank you for your work!

    I have been studying yoga for 43 years now, following my guru’s instructions. When I started to teach as per the instructions of my guru, there was not so much around yet of this western marketing ploys in the name of this divine tradition we call yoga. Now even having a guru is exotic. Everybody excuses themselves of not doing more stretches when I mention that I am a yoga teacher. But, as you said, kali yuga.

    Thank you for upholding this understanding and conveying your respect for the tradition. What else can I say? Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙂

  19. hi i love your blog

    please can you tell me boiled or raw rice which to prefer (ponni, soni masori)

    thanks a lot

    • Hi. Thx.
      It depends upon what for, what season, the individual, for what, etc….
      Nothing is static one size fits all. That is opposite to all the knowledge of ayurveda.
      Try to understand this.
      It is knowing the foundations and being able to observe all that is going on and then apply that wisdom.

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