Asanas for Arsha and Constipation

Best asanas for arsha and constipation:

  • mandukasana – frog pose
  • Shashankasana – rabbit pose
  • shalabhasana – locust pose
  • naukasana – boat pose
  • pavanamuktasana – wind releasing pose
  • paschimottanasana – seated forward bend

Pranayama important:

if only can do one – kapalabhati (20 mins)

+ 10 minutes of bastrika/bellows breath (mid abdomen)

+ bhaya

+ 3 bandhas – 3 locks of apana, samana and udana vayus.   jalandhara bandha, mulabandha, uddiyanabandha

bhahiyapranayam – exhale, pull in muscles and pull up uddiyanabhanda –

samana, udana, apana vayus are all moved and flowing with them. once done powerfully is very good

  • mulabhanda is so important for prostate health and prolapsed uterus – any kind of apana disorders. if patient has sexual permissiveness it helps to control the energy and balance the area – reboots the energy. also good to ensure a good delivery

+ agnisar pranayam – exhales then move the intestines around – a pranayama not a nauli/cleansing kriya

+ brahmari pranayama – humming breath

8 thoughts on “Asanas for Arsha and Constipation

    • Great question and a hard call as it would need to be taken on a one by one case, obviously. Anuloma viloma should be fine though.

  1. Is it safe for me to do kapalabhati. Im beginer, im corious how to do it to not harm myself. Is it safe to do it 1 min, than gradually, slowly increse duration.
    Thank you.

    • From the level of comprehension that is shown by your question, I would only have to say no.
      Nothing could I say because I do not know anything about you and your system or anything, how could I give any sort of competent advice?
      Seeing that you are asking this question without even knowing that everything needs to be looked at from an individuals personal life and everything that goes into that, it shows that there is a ton of learning that needs to be done.
      Nothing at all in any of these sciences is a one-size-fits-all. And everything is a poison as well as a medicine. It is only medicine when it is in the hands of a fully competent and educated individual.
      there is a ton of damage that can be done by doing things wrong or in excess as an example.
      And yet nowhere in all of yoga are you going to hear anyone saying any of this or knowing it even.

      Just as an example, try to speak to a Bikram yoga teacher about the fundamentals, they know none at all. They do not even have any clue that what they are doing is actually very disease-forming…. because they do not know the fundamentals. they are not taught.

      Take your time. Study. Learn.

  2. Thank you for honest answer. I study on your blog. As I could understand first thinkg is that I need to study Ayurveda deeply only then pranayama is possible?
    Thank you, because I really dont want to harm myself by using pranayama wrongly.

    • It’s not that you need to study ayurveda, it is like everything in this world, to just do something blindly is much to the same level as the Tide Pod Challenge.
      There is no undoing somethings that can cause deep harm when it is the wrong thing for the individual to be doing or like in the west the overdoing and excess is a normal thing. We really know almost nothing with our modern sciences.
      Learn properly and deeply.
      Everything is on an individual basis.

  3. Thank you very much. This helps to a lot of people. Sites like this one, to stop deluding oneself that we are doing somerhing healthy but in reality we harm ourselfs due to wrong practice teached and preached by wrong people who pretend something they are not.

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