Vrittis and Kleshas

In yoga philosophy there are vrittis. These vrittis are eddies like in the side of s river where the water swirls round and round. They are modifications of the mind, the monkey mind.

Vritti is from the word Vrt or to exist. This says volumes esoterically.

These vrittis are of five kinds. They are as well also classified as painful or not painful. They are also classified as to the nature of the pratyaya.

The five kinds are:

Right knowledge

Wrong knowledge




As stated before each of these are if the painful or non painful types.

They have also been classified into the nature of pratyaya produced in the chitta.

The objects of classification in this manner is to show that all of  our experiences the the realm of  the mind consists of mental modifications and nothing else. The control and complete suppression (trigger word) of these modifications, therefore, estinguishes our lower life completely and leads to the dawning of the higher consciousness.

Just point in fact that mindfulness, manifestation, positive thinking, affirmations and all the other stuff that is being taught out there as yoga has nothing to do with yoga at all.

In fact, according to the kleshas in which yogic philosophy is based, all pleasurable and painful experiences are really painful to people who have developed the faculty of discrimination (so thinking “everything is good” is just a by pass and trying not to have judgement?  Both are not in yoga philosophy) and are not blinded by the illusions of the lower life. It is only our ignorance caused by these a illusions which make us see pleasure in experiences that are potentially a source of pain and therefore makes us run after those pleasures.

If your inner eye of intuition really was on you would see the potential pain hidden in an active form . We would see then see the justification for classifying all experiences which involve our feelings and thus give rise to raga and dvesha as painful.

I am sure this appears rather pessimistic view of life but withhold your judgement until you have actually walked the path and studied the science deep. Maybe even picking up a copy of the yoga sutras to study. Specially if you are one of those calling yourself a yoga teacher. The one by Swami Hariharananda Aranya is a very well translated one where as most are not.

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